Message from President

This year marks the 30th anniversary of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).
The University's heritage can be traced back to 1881, when the first Government Normal School was established, laying the foundation for teacher education. Increasing societal demand for teacher education led to the opening of the Northcote College of Education in 1939, followed by the other colleges. In April 1994, the then Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) was formally established by statute, amalgamating four former Colleges of Education and the Institute of Language in Education. May 2016 saw a landmark moment, when HKIEd was retitled as The Education University of Hong Kong: the culmination of years of effort towards a shared vision to make even greater contributions to the advancement of education and related disciplines.
Our core mission to prepare and provide quality teachers and lead education innovation has been enriched with complementary, multi-academic disciplines and strong research capacity. EdUHK is at the forefront of embracing new technologies to ensure the teachers and professionals of tomorrow are able to utilise them in an effective, ethical and equitable manner. Our scholars have been named among the world's top 2% scientists in number of citations and have won an array of awards at the world's most respected innovation and invention exhibitions.
We remain committed to nurturing educators and professionals, and extend our endeavour to drive educational innovation and champion inclusiveness in education.
To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we have adopted the tagline 'Education Talent Virtue', highlighting the University's uniqueness in placing equal importance to nurturing talent (才) while cultivating virtue (德). This is the basis and root of whole-person education.
In Chinese culture, turning 30 years old represents reaching maturity. At this particular juncture we shall steadfastly support HKSARG's policy initiative to establishing Hong Kong as a regional education hub, and shall make inroads to Belt and Road countries and tap into opportunities across the Greater Bay Area Region.
Throughout the year, EdUHK will organise a variety of events and activities as an expression of gratitude towards the dedication and support offered by our staff, students, alumni, donors, school leaders, the Government, and also to celebrate the achievements with all the collaborators who have accompanied us along the way.
I would like to express my gratitude to all involved in the planning and organisation of the celebrations and look forward to your continuous support as we continue our remarkable journey.