Congratulatory Messages

Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate The Education University of Hong Kong on its 30th anniversary.
Established in 1994, in the amalgamation of five colleges of education, the institution was transformed into a degree-awarding, teacher-training institute and, in 2016, became a full-fledged university. For years, the University has been a nurturing haven for teachers committed to the educational and social development of Hong Kong and our country.
Young people are Hong Kong’s future. “Hong Kong will prosper only when its young people thrive”, education is therefore the cornerstone of our long-term prosperity and stability. The Government attaches great importance to teacher education and to Education University’s continuing development. The University offers a comprehensive range of programmes, from sub-degree and undergraduate to postgraduate levels, providing more than 70 per cent of our Bachelor of Education graduates. It is also the only Hong Kong university offering University Grants Committee-funded, top-up degree and professional-development programmes for in-service teachers.
As announced in my 2023 Policy Address, we will develop Hong Kong into an international hub for post-secondary education. This would bring benefits to our local students and help widen their international perspectives. I am pleased to note that some 26 per cent of the University’s more than 10 000 full-time and part-time students come from outside Hong Kong. That is testament to Hong Kong’s rising status as a regional or even global hub for education. The University is making continued efforts to grow its footprint in the region, and beyond. Beginning next school year, it will include a compulsory course on field experience in other cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in its five-year, full-time Bachelor of Education and double-degree programmes. The University recently established the Centre for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Research with Guangzhou’s Sun Yat Sen University, and joined an alliance of institutions in Shandong and Macao to collaborate on research. In addition, it has formed a pioneering partnership with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and East China Normal University to drive research into artificial intelligence and its educational applications.
The University has been striving for excellence. Last year, it established the Academy for Applied Policy Studies and Education Futures, and the Academy for Educational Development and Innovation. The two specialist centres introduce taught Master’s programmes and serve as hubs of excellence in such areas as digital competency, legal education and Chinese and multilingual education.
Once again, my congratulations to The Education University of Hong Kong on its landmark 30th anniversary. It is reassuring to know that the institution’s spirit of innovation and pursuit of knowledge will continue to flourish, continue to inspire talented educators for Hong Kong and our country.

Alumnus Charles Cai Chan-yeung
Chairman of EdUHK Mainland Alumni Association

Dr Chan Shuk-leung (Pak Suet-sin), GBS
Honorary Doctor of EdUHK, Renowned Cantonese opera star

Dr Sylvia Chan May-kuen, MH
Principal of Ying Wa Primary School

Alumnus Cheng Kwok-fai (left)
Hong Kong Sports Institute windsurfing coach, Hong Kong windsurfing athlete
小時候從沒有想過能成為一位大學生。非常感謝香港教育大學及香港體育學院,給予我是次繼續進修與學習的機會,讓我能成為一位大學生。這幾年大學的生涯,充分讓我感受到教大對運動員的體貼照顧。作為香港全職運動員,經常要代表香港出戰各類的比賽,故此未能如常回校學習 。教大給予我極具彈性的課堂學習,使我能雙線發展。此外,非常感激教授們因材施教,使我在現在的工作能發展所長, 在此祝賀香港教育大學30周年快樂。

Alumnus Hon Vincent Chu Kwok-keung
Member of Legislative Council, Chairman of EdUHK Alumni Association

Alumnus Chung Chi-kwong
Sports commentator

Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, GBM, GBS, JP
Honorary Doctor of EdUHK

Alumnus Howard Fung Hing-yiu
Co-Founder and Managing Director of Stanford Swim School

Alumnus Dr Dennis Koo Hok-chun
Chairperson of Northcote College of Education Past Students' Association